Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day at the park

I admit we did not frequent the parks this summer unless they involved water. Not much of a fan of standing out in sweltering heat while I watch my son get frustrated that his hot legs stick to the slide as he tries to go down. Meanwhile, I am wishing I could watch him from the shade and wondering why Oklahoma likes to cut down all its trees. Now that temp is in the 70s I am game. So the last couple of weeks have included extra trips to the park. Here are some pictures from one of our Saturdays we were able to go as a family. All of the football games half-times had to align just right for this to happen. By the way He still doesn't like to say much, but he will say "Foot (pause) Ball" many times on Saturdays. This makes Daddy so proud.

If you think that this boy's hair is getting way too long....stay tuned for the next post.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Overdue updates

Okay the posts have been rather sparse lately. It is because we have been double dose busy this past month. Benjamin is doing much better. After a few weeks he was still was limping more than we or the doctors liked to see. The doctor ordered a second round of x-rays and everything looks good now. He still suspects it may have been a fracture but the good news is everything shows he has healed. He is back to running, climbing, and all things adventure.

This bit of news should be a post by itself, but for the sake of time this is it. Jonathan and I have accepted the role of youth pastors at our church. I have had the privelage of working with the youth for the last year and loved every minute. God has really put them in our hearts over the last several months. So I cannot say I was suprised when I found out this was a part of God's plan for our lives.

The other set of huge news is Benjamin is going to be a big brother! We are pregnant and expecting another sweet baby mid April. The morning sickness has been so much more mild this round, and in fact it is already over!

A few weekends back we had some extra time off and took a trip to MO to see family. We had a great time. I have had requests to show some pictures of the Benjamin so here are a few from this month.
Benjamin loved their dog Zuzu. If only Benjamin's mom would let him get a dog.
Nana and Benjamin having cuddle time before bed.

Our cool dude did great with all the hours in the car. The car was OVERTAKEN with crumbs after the trip. Jonathan took the car to vacuum it as soon as we got back.

Grandpa and Grandma bought him a wagon.
Benjamin thoroughly enjoyed riding all over the property.

We ended the trip with playing the piano.
Benjamin sang with all his might as he hit the keys.